Unlocking Potential: The Power of AI Coaching

11 June 2024

human hand with ai powered brain

As organisations navigate through turbulent times, there’s a pressing need to renew and strengthen leadership capabilities to sustain and grow operations effectively.

Bringing this desired culture to life and aligning people’s behaviours across the organisation with the cultural aspirations is challenging.

Coaching has emerged as a vital tool for unlocking potential and changing behaviour, yet its reliance on human coaches limits its scalability.

This is where AI-enabled conversations offer a scalable solution for individual and executive coaching.

AI already collaborates across all aspects of our lives, driven by sophisticated algorithms.

This collaboration is evident in data from a report by the Harvard Business Review, which states that 40% of coaching companies anticipate an increase in their AI usage within the next three years.

In this blog, we explore the intersection of coaching and AI and how it enhances a sensitive domain such as personal development.

The Ascendancy of AI

The premise of AI lies in creating machines that can think intelligently, akin to humans, by acquiring knowledge from their environment.

As AI adoption grows, its applications broaden across various sectors like finance, digital platforms, and healthcare.

In AI coaching, AI facilitates a systematic process to assist clients in setting and achieving professional goals efficiently and is rapidly developing towards operating independently as coaches.

Navigating Ethical Challenges in AI Coaching

Integrating AI into coaching raises ethical concerns:

  • Bias in algorithms: AI algorithms may inherit biases, amplifying concerns about fairness.
  • Privacy issues: Entrusting personal data to AI raises fears of unauthorized access or misuse.
  • Maintaining the human connection: Balancing AI’s autonomy with human oversight is crucial to preserving empathy and understanding in coaching interactions.

It is important for organisations to select AI coaching solutions that have taken steps to mitigate these risks.

This leads us to the pressing question in the new landscape of coaching: how does the traditional role of a human coach complement and integrate with AI?

Unifying Coaching with AI Innovation

The integration of AI in coaching has transformed the coaching experience, offering continuous support and personalized interactions.

With AI, coachees enjoy enhanced engagement and motivation, knowing support is available 24/7 and can be tailored to their needs.

Research suggests AI coaching excels with clear goals and measurable success metrics. It complements traditional coaching by monitoring goal progress, managing interactions, and customizing programs.

A recent development in e-coaching involves the absence of direct interpersonal engagement, with interactions occurring solely between a client and a chatbot or coachbot.

We have a whitepaper for you to explore with everything you need to know about Chatbots, ChatGPT and Coachbots with Artificial Intelligence.

Case Study: The Blended Online Coaching Solution

The UNLOQ blended online coaching solution is a prime example of what a unique scientifically proven coaching approach coupled with industry experience and practical results can achieve.

Unique Coaching Model

The UNLOQ solution is unique with its Accelerated Behaviour Change Model. This model guides individuals or groups through understanding their situation and practicing new behaviour in a real-life setting, supported by a development expert.

This continuous learning model allows the coachee to internalize desired learning and sustain new mindsets and behaviours, resulting in deeper learning and greater professional impact.

Measurable Metrics

The People Analytics tool continuously monitors coaching interventions, measures progress, and makes results visible, ensuring that coaching programs deliver measurable and impactful results.

This tool assesses various factors contributing to coaching effectiveness, including coach and client-related factors, the working relationship between coach and client, and the final coaching outcomes.

ai generated human head staring at a computer screen
UNLOQ core team

Technology Enabled

Their technology-enabled blended coaching solution offers personalisation, scalability, accessibility, data-driven insights, social anonymity, and writing as a therapeutic intervention, all complementing the human coaching experience.

UNLOQ’s coachbot, iRobin, is currently used to explore how AI can support coaching.

Research shows clients are more willing to disclose sensitive topics to a coachbot than to a human coach, fostering sincerity and intimacy. Try iRobin (for free) to see how it can unlock your organisational coaching potential.

The Synergy of AI and Coaching: Shaping the Future

As AI continues to weave its way into coaching practices, there is likely to be a surge in AI coaching tools over the next five years.

Ensuring ongoing improvement and keeping ethical considerations front and centre will be crucial as AI’s role expands in this domain.

AI and coaching make a dynamic duo, harnessing technology to specialize and underscore the importance of human connection.

Final Thoughts

UNLOQ’s blended online coaching service exemplifies the powerful synergy between a unique scientifically proven coaching approach, technology, industry experience, and practical results.

By leveraging AI and human expertise, they empower individuals and groups to achieve deeper learning, sustain behavioural change, and drive professional impact, ultimately transforming their personal and professional lives.

Contact UNLOQ for an obligation-free conversation to see how their human interaction, technology, and science-based approach to innovative learning and development solutions can help your organisation flourish.

Continue to professionalize and optimize

In addition to the continued development of our UNLOQ Campus coaching platform, we also accelerated the ISO 27001 certification process. This process had already started in 2019 and was aimed at improving our internal processes and increasing the security of customer information. Especially at a time when more and more work is done online and remotely, it is a challenge to ensure maximum confidentiality of information. Obtaining the ISO certificate is not easy; as an organization you have to comply with no less than 96 standards. In 2020, we secured our first certification. In 2023, we passed another 3-year audit which means we are now ISO 27001:2022 certified! This makes us one of the few (international) L&D organizations with this latest version of ISO 27001.
