Brain Boosters for Smarter Organisational Learning

8 August 2024

Keeping adult learners engaged and interested can sometimes be challenging. In any kind of training environment initial enthusiasm may begin to wane, with learners finding it difficult to stay motivated as the material they are working with becomes more demanding, or as other demands distract their attention from the learning.

Knowing how to recognise and address this drop in enthusiasm or focus can be pivotal in ensuring successful learner outcomes.

So, what can be done?

Brain breaks and brain boosters are key tools for addressing learner disengagement, with research suggesting that brief breaks can have an outsized impact on learning outcomes.

They can ensure learners remain focused and motivated during every lesson and learning journey.


Let’s tell you more.

What are brain boosters in adult learning?

Brain boosters are a secret weapon in the fight against classroom distraction. They are short, engaging activities designed to re-energise the brain during educational sessions. They’re timed to provide the maximum impact, alleviating mental fatigue and enhancing concentration. Used intelligently, brain boosters can make the learning experience more dynamic and effective.

Brain boosters are developed in line with insights from neuroscience that optimise teaching strategies. This brain-based learning is a form of andragogy, a method and practice of teaching adult learners that focuses on their needs and experiences to achieve better outcomes.

The three key brain boosters

Brain boosters can be divided up into three key categories:

  • Physical Brain Boosters: These use physical activity to break the mental logjam during the learning session. This might include walking, stretching, or desk exercises that increase blood flow, reduce physical tension and improve overall well-being.
  • Mental Brain Boosters: Mental brain boosters reduce mental fatigue, enhance focus, and improve cognitive function. Activities such as puzzles, mindfulness meditation, and breathing exercises can all refresh the mind, enabling it to absorb and retain information more effectively.
  • Creative Brain Boosters: Creative brain boosters can stimulate creativity, provide light relief, and help to foster a more collaborative learning environment. They include doodling, listening to music, and quick team activities that encourage creative thinking and improve problem-solving skills.

How can you bring brain boosters into learning sessions?

Effectively implementing brain boosters in learning sessions requires a considered and strategic approach. This might include:

  • Lesson Design: Ensuring that learning sessions incorporate regular short breaks in training schedules is essential. Taking brain breaks of 5-10 minutes every day can increase concentration levels and prevent burnout.
  • Practical Strategies: Practical brain booster strategies include utilising apps and other tools that make learning more engaging and effective.
  • Flexible Learning: Allowing autonomy in break activities can be empowering for learners. It enables them to choose what works best for them, fostering a more personalised and effective learning experience collaboratively.

Making learning engaging: Implementing Brain Boosting Learning with UNLOQ

At UNLOQ, we combine behavioural change theories with the latest in blended learning to ensure that individual learners and teams can develop their skills in an engaged and efficient way.

The UNLOQ approach emphasises:

  • Collaborative, Transformational, and Immersive Learning: The interventions we design reflect the natural development process of individuals and groups.
  • Blended Learning Session: Short bursts of theory are blended with breakout room exercises, quick chat questions, and contextualised information, supporting continued engagement and deep understanding.
  • Safe & Trusting Learning Spaces: We create an environment where trust is nurtured from the beginning. This supportive learning context can boost brain capacity, engagement and focus.
  • Continuous Development Journey: Our approach combines theoretical learning, adult learning modalities, interactive practice, buddy systems, and blended coaching support. It’s delivered into the day-to-day workplace context, ensuring that new habits are reinforced and developed through immediate feedback.

Want to find out more?

Organisations can create a more effective and enjoyable learning experience by integrating forward-thinking brain booster strategies into learning sessions.

UNLOQ’s unique integrated techniques can help you create a more dynamic, collaborative, and productive workplace.

Please feel free to contact us to learn more about our innovative approach.

Continue to professionalize and optimize

In addition to the continued development of our UNLOQ Campus coaching platform, we also accelerated the ISO 27001 certification process. This process had already started in 2019 and was aimed at improving our internal processes and increasing the security of customer information. Especially at a time when more and more work is done online and remotely, it is a challenge to ensure maximum confidentiality of information. Obtaining the ISO certificate is not easy; as an organization you have to comply with no less than 96 standards. In 2020, we secured our first certification. In 2023, we passed another 3-year audit which means we are now ISO 27001:2022 certified! This makes us one of the few (international) L&D organizations with this latest version of ISO 27001.
