Publications and free white papers
Combining off- and online coaching and training is increasingly important in developing (the performance of) individuals and organizations. We have more than 10 years of experience in applying these tools and are committed to share our knowledge and experience. That is why we write books and articles, in published form and as free white papers. Read all about it here.
E-coaching: Getting started with Online and Blended Coaching
This standard work on e-coaching and blended coaching (a combination of off- and online coaching) has a solid foundation in scientific theory and is full of practical applications. This book discusses the different types of e-coaching, with specific focus on the written form. It also discusses coaching via chatbots and artificial intelligence (AI) and what this means for the coaching profession. Using the ABC model for sustainable development and the UNLOQ methodology for online coaching, all the ingredients of e-coaching and blended coaching are discussed. These include remote coaching, frequent contact opportunities, the power of social anonymity and the healing aspects of writing.
This international edition incorporates the latest technological developments. It also incorporates the authors’ experiences and those of more than 125 colleagues in training e-coaches and coaching thousands of clients worldwide
E-Coaching: Getting started with Online and Blended Coaching
By Anne Ribbers, Alexander Waringa
Published by UNLOQ Publishers – ISBN 9789024463312

Free papers: Learning & Development in the 21st Century
We have compiled our research and more than 10 years of experience with thousands of clients into a series of (free) white papers.
The future of behavioural interventions in the workplace
This free paper ‘The future of behavioural interventions in the workplace’ deals with various interventions to reduce work-related problems or to achieve desired behavioural improvements and performance enhancements. From therapy, counselling and coaching to online guidance.
Expert in Online Professional Guidance
In 6 short chapters in this free paper, we show how online working can be used successfully, what is needed and how you can apply it as a professional. For coaches, therapists, counsellors, HR professionals, mentors, and other professional supervisors.

The latest trends in executive coaching & leadership development
The global market for executive coaching and leadership development is estimated at around USD 95 billion and expected to grow to USD 147 billion by 2029. The following chapters discuss these different trends including the specific services and products offered within these trends. We then discuss to what extent each trend offers opportunities.
Evidence Based HRM: What (do) we know about people in workplaces?
This book ‘Evidence Based HRM: What (do) we know about people in workplaces?’ provides a quick reference to the core theories and key research evidence underpinning current HRM knowledge. If you are interested in learning more about or want to refresh your knowledge of the reliable HR(D) practice, this book is highly recommended.
The book is very easy to read and in addition to all the theory, there are also descriptions of a number of good case studies. Moreover, the book is free to download and therefore easily available to everyone!
Evidence Based HRM: What (do) we know about people in workplaces?
By Brigitte Kroon
Published by Open Press Tilburg University- ISBN 9789462406728
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